Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers. Voltaire

Here you can find additional information related to the work and activities of the DSRC, as well as the administrative information about the organization. If you have not found an answer to the question you have or if you need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Contact Us

Products Related Questions

The researches and analysis are on DSRC management and/or its teams initiative; under agreements with other organizations (joint researches and analysis); and upon requests by individual and/or legal entities under contracts concluded in accordance with Bulgarian laws and regulations. Depending on the possibilities of their use, the publications could be fully available for public use, for restricted use and publications used under the conditions of the contract they are done upon.

Any individual or legal entity not subject to special or explicit restrictions may order a specific type of an analysis, research, etc.

Yes, it is possible.

Please, contact us and we shall answer you as soon as possible. The orders are placed by concluding a contract negotiated directly with you and/or your officially authorized representatives.

Obviously, DSRC intention is any contract to be fulfilled as soon as possible. However, the working period depends on many factors, mainly of the nature of the order, quantity of work, resources needed (people, information, technical capabilities, funds, etc.). Such details are subject of the negotiations to reach the agreement on the contract.

Areas mentioned on the website are the basic but not the only ones. It is possible researches/analysis in areas not mentioned here to be conducted by DSRC. If you are interested in such specific research/analysis, please contact us – we shall answer you if we have the possibility to serve you.

Any legal entity not subject to special or explicit restrictions may order a specific type of an analysis, research, etc. When the client itself is a NGO, it is possible for that particular NGO to buy partially or fully the copyrights - if the researches/analysis are partially conducted by DSRC. When the researches/analysis are fully implemented by DSRC, the copyrights are settled in the order contract.

Yes, because it is the main goal of DSRC to work in favor of as many people as possible. You are the owner of the publication you ordered after it has been produced. And the decision who is entitled to use it is yours and settled in the contract. If you want it included in the list of DSRC publications for public use we would gladly do that.

By contacting DSRC you become (and remain) our client. If a particular publication is funded (sponsored) not by you but by a third party, all the conditions and/or responsibilities are arranged by you and the third party in question. On your explicit request part of these conditions and/or responsibilities could be negotiated and included in the contract between you and DSRC but with the consent and the participation of that third party representatives.

Any of our researches, analysis, etc. is implemented explicitly and for a particular client only. It is possible such a client to be more than one person/entity, but in such cases all of these persons/entities are commonly understood and as such mentioned as client in the contract. They could be represented by one person/entity if officially authorized and if DSRC is officially notified during the negotiations.

It is possible, if explicitly mentioned in the contract. The cases when mentioning of the persons/entities ordered/paid a particular publication is required by Bulgarian and/or by the law of these persons/entities country/countries are excluded from this rule.

We would be very proud and gratified if our activities have motivated you to become our sponsor. Sponsoring DSRC without placing any order is possible under the conditions settled by Bulgarian law.

Administrative Issues

CIOS administration center is located in Sofia, Bulgaria.

CIOS maintains open many communication channels. If you contact us for the first time and the direct contact is not an option, you can use our office phone. If for some reason you prefer contact not via phone, you can use this website contact form.

If you are sure that the topic of your interest is covered by the programs, it would be best to get in touch with us through the address given to a program itself. If you prefer a phone call, the fastest feedback we can get to you would require a callback number and explicit program (topic) you are interested in.

The subject of our work - analysis and research - is a creative process. Project teams have no fixed working hours in the classical sense of the word. The only unit of the DSRC with working time is the administrative center, i.e. for primary phone contact, it would be better to call us between 10 am and 4pm (local time).

This is your first contact with DSRC through the telephone number of the administrative center.

Although each communication has its "primary" contact, we deliberately have not identified "primary contact" in an on-line connection, as usually our first mail feedback comes within a few hours or a day. This message is a "notification" that we have received your message and we know your contact details and the interest you have in our work. Usually it is followed by a second message which is related to the specificity of your interest and (in most cases) contains the contact details of the administrator (or expert) of the program, that includes the subject of your interest.

The payment for DSRC products is in accordance with Bulgarian law, the specific details are mentioned in the contract for any order.

If you just asked about a subject, simply let us know that at the moment the discussed subject "is not of interest to you". If the implementation of your order has started, the terms of the cancellation would be settled in the contract for that particular order.

It would be a privilege for us if you seek the DSRC expertise for your event or our participation in a media production. The participation of our experts is in no way related to previous contacts with us or the assignment of orders.

In the areas where are the DSRC main activities we offer not specific products only but also consultations and/or partnership. Yes, we could organize such event.

For any questions you have, you can ask via the phone or this website contact form.

Having questions, in need of fast response or consultation?
Call + 359 888 359 146